Friday, August 5, 2016

On Biafra: Kanu Can’t Renounce Biafra –Wife, read more.,,,,,

WIFE of the leader of the Indigenous People of Bi­afra (IPOB), Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, Mrs. Uchechi Ok­wu-Kanu yesterday said her husband would never back out in the fight for Biafra restoration.
She said the sugges­tion to her husband to re­nounce Biafra agitation as a condition for freeedom was not only an “insult but laughable.”
Insisting that the Move­ment for the Emancipa­tion of the Niger Delta (MEND) cannot negoti­ate on behalf of Kanu, she said the Niger Delta did not seek Kanu’s permission to do so.

“Anybody thinking that my husband will renounce Biafra is certifiably insane. MEND does not speak for my husband. This type of news, as distressing as it is, is laughable, because no group can postulate what my husband can or cannot do or say.
“This is not only an insult to our belief, but also a de­spoliation of our rights as a people perpetrated by dis­honourable minds,” Uche­chi stated.
“It is now apparent that the charges against my husband are politically motivated and not a ju­dicial process as govern­ment would want to make the world to believe. This singular act of tyranny and injustice against my husband, amongst others, is reprehensible to every reasonable mind and one of the critical reasons for the emergence of the Ni­ger Delta Averagers (NDA) who have, in their quest, consistently called for the release of my husband which Nigerian govern­ment has underplayed”.
“Subsequently, Nnamdi Kanu should be present at any negotiations, and I can refer President Buhari to F.W. de Klerk of South Africa on how to negotiate with freedom fighters,” she maintained.
Kanu is standing six-count charge of treasonable felony following his arrest in Lagos in October 2015.
The Abuja High Court initially ruled in favour of granting bail to Kanu. However, the Federal Gov­ernment said in December 2015 that the IPOB leader could not be released for fears that he might jump bail and flee to the UK, as he holds both British and Nigerian passports.

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