Friday, August 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton synonymous with disorder, illegal immigration – Trump>> read more!!

Donald Trump released his first television ad of the presidential campaign, saying his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is synonymous with disorder and illegal immigration.
“In Hillary Clinton’s America, the system stays rigged against Americans,” claims the $4.8 million ad, which is being aired in the battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
“Syrian refugees flood in. Illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay, collecting social security benefits, skipping the line. Our border open.
“It’s more of the same, but worse,” the narrator adds, to the tune of somber music playing in the background.
In contrast, “Donald Trump’s America is secure,” it says, the music upbeat and uplifting this time.
“Terrorists and dangerous criminals: kept out. The border: secure. Our families: safe.”
Clinton has already spent $61 million on television ads, according to NBC television.
The Republican Trump, who is trailing Clinton in the polls, chose to focus on national security for his ad, which concludes with “Change that makes America safe again,” a twist on his campaign slogan “Make America safe again.”
But late Thursday, on the eve of the ad’s release, Trump barely touched on immigration and national security during a speech in which he expressed regrets for having offended people with his brash manner. It marked a rare act of contrition.
The bombastic billionaire real estate magnate is seeking to power up his campaign. On Wednesday, he overhauled his campaign management team for the second time in as many months, seeking to save his struggling White House bid.

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