Tuesday, August 16, 2016

ECCIMA declares S-East region disaster zone>>>

ENUGU—The Enugu State Chambers of Commerce, Industry,Mines and Agriculture, ECCIMA, yesterday, declared the south-east geopolitical region, a disaster zone, following decrepit air, rail and road infrastructure that have crippled socio-economic activities of the people.

It quickly called on the Federal Government to take appropriate steps to address the challenges fueling separatist agitations by different groups who no longer believe in the oneness of Nigeria occasioned by perceived inequalities in the country. Continuing, ECCIMA, also urged governors of the five south-east states to establish a South-East Economic Commission to forge a common regional economic integration and cooperation front that will reposition the cause and launch the people to socio-economic reckoning.

While fielding questions from Vanguard in his office, yesterday, the Director General, ECCIMA, Mr. Emeka Okereke, said: ”Since 2013, the pronouncement of elevating the Akanu-Ibiam International Airport, Emene, Enugu was made, which would have provided for enhanced economic activities of our people, work has virtually stopped at the international terminal and the expansion of the runway for the past two years. “It is worrisome that construction work has become tepid. We cannot decipher why it is so especially now that there is an economic crunch.

The south-east is the only zone in the country without a functional international airport. We will not  have an international airport by name without it being fully functional because the region is landlocked. “The project if completed, will provide revenue for the federal and state governments and boost economic activities in this part of the country. Federal Government should take this as priority project.” On roads “It is only in the south-east region that Federal Government talks of Public Private Partnership,PPP, when it comes to infrastructures.

What this means is that the people will pay more for the Federal Government to do the project. Or if the Federal Government does the project, they will get the money back through toll fares among others. That is why the 2nd Niger Bridge has been abandoned and the rigmarole continues. “This is the reason why the youths do not believe any longer in the entity called Nigeria. That is why the expression of self determination to secede is rife. Look at Enugu-Onitsha, Enugu-Port Harcourt express roads.

They have become completely impassable. The situation looks very hopeless. You cannot travel from Enugu-Onitsha,a distance not more than 50 Miles. It is a shame. Onitsha is a key economic indicator for the people of the South East. The prevailing situation is affecting commercial activities because of the nature of the road. ”Most of these infrastructure are owned by the Federal Government. Our people are increasingly becoming desolute, wondering why they should continue to belong to Nigeria.

“The Federal Government should look at the South East region as a disaster zone. The position we are in, in this country today, is just the same way we were when the civil war ended in terms of federal presence. This is an appeal to the soul of Nigeria to look deeply into the region and see what it can salvage. It is like a father abandoning the son, yet, wants the son to continue to bear his name.

That is driving the self determination agitations” Railway system not left out “The Abuja-Kaduna rail lines with standard gauge was commissioned recently. Lagos-Kano rail line is also working. That of Enugu-Port Harcourt has been abandoned. Last year, we heard the humming of locomotive engines signaling the commencement of train services along that line. It did not last beyond three months before it packed up.

The line is not functioning optimally now. Something is wrong somewhere. The Federal Government should take us seriously in this country. The railway sector is critical in this country especially in haulaging and transportation of goods. “It will also go a long way to save our roads from heavy duty vehicles that bring huge tonnages to bear on the roads which impacts negatively on the sustenance and durability of our roads.

We feel strongly that Enugu-Port Harcourt rail line is germane for the economic turn around of the region. If these problems are not tackled,the self worth of the people will continue to dip.”

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